Grace that Makes Us Right with God

Sunday AM

January 23, 2011

Romans 3:19-26

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    6 Responses to “Grace that Makes Us Right with God”

    1. January 23rd, 2011 at 1:35 pm J. Kareus wrote:

      Powerful message today. Something we all needed to hear.

    2. January 24th, 2011 at 8:15 am Harold Williams wrote:

      For me, this series on Grace is one of the best ever delivered at Scottsdale Bible Church. The deepness of God’s Love for us is brought to us in such descriptive detail that it is difficult not “to get it!” Theologically, we read of Faith, Forgiveness, Redemption, but the concept and fact that all act via Grace to us (better I say ‘to me’) is the prime mover. I do not deserve any of it. At the moment I feel so low because of Not deserving His Love, God raises me up with only the Love that Grace can deliver. But God……gives to me Faith, Forgiveness, and Redemption THROUGH Grace. I get it!

    3. January 24th, 2011 at 4:28 pm marleen White wrote:

      Dear Pastor Jamie,
      Thank you for your boldness on Sunday. Your bringing Scottsdale Bible to a new level.

      God Bless you and your family!

      Marleen White

    4. January 25th, 2011 at 9:27 pm Sheri wrote:

      Thank you Jamie for stepping out and talking about a topic that we Christians frequently dance around… how to let God meet us where we are at in life, and allowing him to work on us. It is the challenge for us to not judge, but instead come alongside someone mired in sin and love them through it without judging or barring access to the church. Your message was encouraging to be mindful of working on our own sin and temptations. It is my hope that non-Christians will see the love of God through our actions and the way we deal with sin and temptation in our own lives, and they can determine that they can leave a life of sin behind too and opt for a fuller life in God’s love.

    5. January 26th, 2011 at 5:37 am Anson White wrote:

      Pastor Jamie, I am sorry you are not feeling well, sure hope you are up and well soon.

      On another note you must be absolutely commended for this message. I was hoping that this journey into grace would take us where we needed to go. My hope is that our elder board has the courage of your convictions and that by the end of this year this church will be truly transformed. God bless your ministry.

    6. January 26th, 2011 at 7:22 pm Teddy Ribortella wrote:

      Fantastic message on Sunday, perfect delivery and straight from the heart. We are all sinners and ALL of us need Gods grace. None of us are better than anyone else, to think that our degree of sin is any less displeasing to God than someone elses needs much more self examination. I wonder if anyone would be foolish enough to “cast the 1st stone” Keep up the great work!! You touch so many lives in a positive way.
      Thank you

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