Is Not Life More than Food and the Body More than Clothing?

Sunday AM

August 1, 2010

Matthew 6:19-34

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    2 Responses to “Is Not Life More than Food and the Body More than Clothing?”

    1. August 3rd, 2010 at 12:55 am Shawna Starck wrote:

      I have recently moved to Scottsdale and began attending your church only a few months ago..maybe around March or April and am very pleased. I am I am trsining for my Masters at NAU to teach and am a new Messianic believer attending your church with my family. I tell you all this because…being a teacher, I’m happy to be here because of the quality of teaching you have exemplified yourself. As Y’shua was Himself…a teacher…you have shown these qualities. I find your style refreshing because you don’t ‘preach’…you teach and are darn good at it I might add…Thank you! My kids love it here and my mom is a regular attender now too…can’t wait for more ‘lessons’…you’re doing good work for Yahweh!

    2. August 8th, 2010 at 10:47 am Tammy Pascoe wrote:

      Love will get you through times with no money, Better then money will get you through times with no LOVE!!

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