Disciples You Don’t Know: Andrew

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    2 Responses to “Disciples You Don’t Know: Andrew”

    1. September 13th, 2009 at 8:38 am Robert Rollason wrote:

      Pastor Jamie,
      I am continually spiritually amused at how subtle God has embraced me. For decades I was a thief of Gods’ love, taking and never giving. He was patient, and in His time, He made it clear to me that not only was I forgivable, but that He needed me now. As the person I was, and to become, and that He had always been there, even though I may have not thought so. As the pieces of Gods’ love come together in my life, I couldn’t help but to ask the question WHY?, (we’ve all done it.) and the answer was made clear. I had always felt “less than” spiritually as I stumbled on the path. Watching others disciple with ease, including those in the time of Jesus. Then you brought me Andrew. Thank you.

    2. September 20th, 2009 at 5:32 am Joe Taylor wrote:

      Please thank all those who serve that have made it possible for me to listen to sermons on line while out of the country.

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