My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?

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    2 Responses to “My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”

    1. September 6th, 2010 at 10:12 am charlotte Lazzeroni wrote:

      Thank you Jamie, I needed your sermon. We have a sick grandson.

      I look forward to Monday’s so I get to hear your sermon. I attend church on Sunday and get good teaching. You are a gifted servant. I get to be in Scottsdale for 2 weeks in the winter. God bless you Jamie. Charlotte

    2. September 9th, 2010 at 3:26 pm Grace wrote:

      Dear Jamie:

      I thank God for delivering His message through you this past Sunday. Just two days before hearing that sermon, I felt as if I have been forgotten and abandoned by God. Being in a very trying, challenging and difficult marriage for 16 years, I have often wondered if God even cares. I know He does but I have been emotionally overwhelmed with the trials and pain in my marriage which I sometimes think are really “thorns” in my life. Since this sermon I have been asking for God to change my circumstances. Meanwhile, today, for the first time in a long time, I was reading Psalm 69. When I got to verse 33, I sensed God’s peace and and His warm embrace as I clutched onto His Word close to my chest. I felt His presence as well. I have to believe He will deliver, but for now, it’s His peace and His presence that will continue to carry me through this difficulty.

      I hope you have sensed a deep gratitude from my heart for you and your faithfulness to preach God’s Word in love and truth.

      In His grip,

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