Palm Sunday

Sunday AM

April 17, 2011

Matthew 21:1-11

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    4 Responses to “Palm Sunday”

    1. April 17th, 2011 at 8:55 pm Bryan Hartman wrote:

      Dear Pastor Jamie,

      Excellent sermon! Sorry we did not make church today – I could not make it back from the ranch in time. But I went online and turned on your Palm Sunday sermon and played it. The family heard it and came and sat down and listened. The President Bush story made my wife Mary cry. Thank you sir for your powerful sermons and life lessons.

      God bless you,

      Bryan Hartman

    2. April 18th, 2011 at 3:26 am Joey Manuele wrote:

      Hi Pastor Jamie,
      I am 10 and turning 11 on May 6. I always ask my Dad if I cab come and listen to your sermons instead of going to class. I enjoyed this sermon and I was at church today. I loved how the younger kids sang too. You are a great pastor! 🙂

    3. April 18th, 2011 at 8:51 pm Donica Gorra wrote:

      Dear Pastor Jamie,

      What a powerful sermon! You have such an amazing ability in breaking down a complicated topic into a digestible, and more colorful, slice of information that is then easier to apply to our lives. We have shared the news of your year long series on “Grace” with some very loved family members in Texas – and they have begun to listen to your sermons on line!

      Thank you for all that you do!

    4. April 20th, 2011 at 1:08 pm Brandon Hearn wrote:

      Pastor your message on Palm Sunday was fantastic. I was once involved in a cult that was full of righteousness and truth but totally bankrupt in the love department. The experience damaged me greatly. The love you teach about is healing me. May we always do like you say and have love as our foundation.

    We reserve the right to edit responses and post all appropriate messages for everyone to read.

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