Something We All Get to Experience

Words to Live By: 8 Challenges from a Dying Man

May 31, 2009

2 Peter 1:12-15

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    One Response to “Something We All Get to Experience”

    1. May 31st, 2009 at 6:52 pm Sandy Oglesby wrote:

      I worked in the nursing home industry as an activity director. Death was talked about and for the most part the seniors gave me invaluable wisdom to live and die by. Being centered in Christ and having the assurance of where you are going next is vitally important. Thank you for comforting those who needed comfort today. I saw many faces registering new resolve and could visibly see fear dispelled.
      Yesterday was my Aunt’s 95th birthday. Someone suggested they would love to see her live to 100. She whispered to me: “I don’t know about that Sissy.” I replied that she had lived a lovely life and that she was entitled to go to heaven to walk with Jesus anytime her body felt it was time to go. She thanked me!
      Let fear fly away in the face of the reality that to leave this body is to be present with Christ!

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