The One Indispensable Choice

Sunday AM

August 9, 2009

Ruth 1

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The Bible is filled with profound teaching and incredible stories of real life people who overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles using such tools as unwavering trust in God, unconditional love of others, and a hope anchored in Jesus-like optimism.

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    One Response to “The One Indispensable Choice”

    1. August 13th, 2009 at 7:47 am David Porter wrote:


      Thank you for this message. We were unable to be present for this teaching, as we were in Michigan facing one of the challenges put before us by almighty God.

      It is so true that when life’s curve balls come flying, all we can cling to is God, and try with all our might to be obedient to his sometimes incomprehensible will.

      I have hope in doing the right thing, even though my path currently seems to be a white-out blizzard.

      Thank you for this encouragement, and thank you for being faithful in the expository preaching of God’s word.

    We reserve the right to edit responses and post all appropriate messages for everyone to read.

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