God and the Economy, Part 2

Sunday AM

April 26, 2009

Romans 8:22-23

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    3 Responses to “God and the Economy, Part 2”

    1. May 1st, 2009 at 6:45 pm T Anderson wrote:

      Great Message Jamie

    2. May 2nd, 2009 at 6:23 pm Jane Gray wrote:

      How thankful I am to take Jamie and Fred Chay with me to Michigan via the Internet until I get back this winter. My spiritual growth depends on it. Jamie, God and the Economy #1 and #2 hit the mark. Thank you.

    3. May 3rd, 2009 at 7:28 am Richard King wrote:

      Thank you for your sermon on the web. We enjoy your web site.
      Our son and family attend Scottsdale Bible and we are not able to visit them like we would like. Your service is part of email connection with our family.

    We reserve the right to edit responses and post all appropriate messages for everyone to read.

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