There’s Hope!

Sunday AM

April 12, 2009

Luke 24:1-12

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There is incredible, soul reviving, life giving HOPE waiting for us. Please realize that HOPE is one of the most powerful human and divine motivators we have! Because you see, hope can cause one to be lifted out of the here and now and catch a glimpse of what can and will be! And the resurrection of Jesus is all about hope! In fact, in every way imaginable, in every area of our life, it IS our hope. The hope that God gives in Jesus’ resurrection is what every thirsty person is looking for – even if they don’t know it yet!

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    One Response to “There’s Hope!”

    1. April 12th, 2009 at 12:44 pm David Porter wrote:


      I greatly enjoyed your message today. I pray that many might find their paradigms changed as they consider the claims, life, and resurrection of Messiah.

      As I type this, I am enjoying Handel’s Messiah. Handel has done a brilliant job lifting our eyes to the hope of eternity with Christ, in Heaven.

      If we meditate on the scene of the three women, in the empty tomb, interrupted by two dazzling angels, how can we not too be amazed. “Remember, said they, “that he would die, and be raised from the dead!”

      They remembered…and joy completed flooded them. He was dead, but now he lives!

      Thanks Jamie, truly a paradigm shifter!

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